Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Abtruse Goose is funny. Read it!

It's just more fun that way.

Never use Splenda. Go for the real thing.

Cats. Not even once. 

I worry about this day. Especially since I don't know Star Trek well enough to know what the Borg actually do. 

New anti-drug/pro-science poster of the year. Awwww yeeeaaah.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Loading Ready Run Time!

The symbol of greatness.

A corporate slogan we can all get behind. 

This needs to be in every Chemistry classroom in America. 

I think a Steel Chair Cage Match with religious officials would make religion WAY more interesting. 

Now you know the dangers. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

*read as if said by Bill Cosby* --> POKEMON!

A dark reinterpretation. Kinda scary.  
Darth Vadar now has a Blastoise Army. Beware of epic crossover potential.
Natural progression of evolution. I see nothing wrong with this. 

It's a little underwhelming in real life, but still cool. I'll take it. 

Adorable. 'Nuff said. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Charts on stuff from stuff

Geekologie. Ink > Bottled water. Yeah. Think about it.

Dr McNinja. This equation is always true.

Doghouse Diaries. This is how cool I was immediately after school, almost every day in high school.

GraphJam. Not personally true, but I like the sentiment. 

xkcd. They did forget Hey Jude by the Beatles, but I have a separate chart for that. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Anime One-Liners

People will catch on eventually. 

I prefer this ending. It's less preachy that way. 

I swear, if this was even REMOTELY possible to do, I'd turn evil scientist right now.

I plan to say what she said someday. It'll be great.

I'll leave you with this. It happens to be true. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Yeah. It's happened.

It came to me as an idea from my sister that I should do something with these hundreds of pictures of things I've garnered from the internet.  These pictures contain whatever I find interesting, funny, or full of win (NOT winning. There's a difference). Let's roll this out and see what happens!

That's not a promising start.